Painting Department Head

Dr. Parvaneh Delfani

email: delfani.parvaneh[at]     

tel: 33054762

fax: 0

Faculty of fine arts, at Univresity of Zanjan was established in2008, with the aim of promoting and training artistic and creative talents on a higher educational level, leading to bachelor of art, Since the inauguration, department of Drawing and painting at University of Zanjan has accepted students for four consecutive years and presently 68 students have now enrolled at the university of Zanjan, Department of Drawing and Painting.

Syllabus of Painting department consists of both practical and theoretical courses. The essential practical courses are: Drawing and Paintings which has been offered during the four academic year in which students have to take them in order to be able to choose and to take the final project in which they are expected to show and display the final result of these four academic years and their artistic focus and talent as well.

Among the theoretical courses, these essential syllabus is offered to the students: Analysis of Visual Arts and Analysis of Painting, in which the students are supposed to learn the different methodologies of art and methods of art history long with other courses such as History of Painting.  The latter is offered to students in two consecutive years from beginning up to modern era and each semester they are supposed to take one period of art history. Students also will be familiar with the history of Persian painting and contemporary art.

Communication with art

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